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更新时间:2025-03-24 21:21:11

sea horse

英 [si: hɔ:s]

美 [si hɔrs]

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. small fish with horse-like heads bent sharply downward and curled tails
swim in upright position

Synonym: seahorse

2. either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber

Synonym: walrusseahorse

1. sea horse

1. 海马:人头狮身并带翅膀像(sphinx)、半狮半鹫像(griffin)、海马(sea horse)、山羊(goat)、司农牧之神(faun)、公羊头(ram's head)、女像柱(caryatid)和其它无数的罗马、庞贝和Etruscan的古典艺术图案(motif)等做装饰.

2. sea horse的解释

2. [鱼]海马:cucumber tree 锐叶木兰 | sea horse [鱼]海马 | plowback ploughback

3. 海马式:sea horizon 海平线 | sea horse 海马式 | sea ice 海冰

4. 白色浪峰:白日梦/pipe dream;walking dream | 白色浪峰/sea horse | 白天小睡/forty winks

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Others use a ring of buffalo horn, a crimson thread tied round each toe, the powdered teeth of a sea-horse, the skin of an eel, a hippopotamus tooth.(其他人有用水牛角的戒指,系在每个脚趾上红线,涂上粉末的海马牙,鳗鱼皮,河马牙。)
Miriam sang to them: "Sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea."(米利暗应声说:你们要歌颂耶和华,因他大大战胜,将马和骑马的投在海中。)
To that end the Hubble Space Telescope often proves handy for discovering celestial objects shaped like everything from a sea horse, the letter X, tadpoles and flying saucers.(正因为这样,哈勃太空望远镜常常能轻而易举地找到一些神迹,从海马,到字母x,从蝌蚪到飞碟,各种形状的神迹都能被它发现。)
Then they dissolve into nothing, only to form as if by stealth on a different horizon, dancing across the sky in the shape of a sea horse or crescent moon.(然后它们消散于无形,没料到在另一条地平线上好像又暗中形成,在天空中以海马或新月的形状舞动着。)
Why is a sea horse shaped like an "S"?(海马的形状为什么像一个“S”?)
The horse in the flowers, very healthy, people floating in the flower sea, also appears.(马走在花海中,显得格外矫健,人浮在花海上,也显得格外精神。)
After nine days, I let the horse run free 'cause the desert had turned to sea.(九天之后,我把马放了因为沙漠已经变成了海洋。)
There are more than 20 large-scale facilities of recreation, such as the revolving-wood-horse, the crazy mouse, the fairy-tale-train, the roller coaster and the sea rover , etc.(园内共有20多项大型游乐设施,主要有旋转木马、疯狂老鼠、童活列车、高空观光车、过山车、赛车、海盗船、碰碰船、勇敢者转盘及水上乐园等等,令人其乐无穷,流连忘返。)
"You are as light as sea-shells," answered the Tunny, who was as large as a two-year-old horse.(“你们像海贝壳一样轻。”金枪鱼回答说,他有一匹两岁的马那么大。)
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: "I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted." The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.(那时,摩西和以色列人向耶和华唱歌说:我要向耶和华歌唱,因他大大战胜,将马和骑马的投在海中。)
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